Creatively Developing Social Media Posts

Creatively Developing Social Media Posts

In the ever-changing digital world, social media reigns supreme. At Poor Bear Stories, we understand the emphasis placed on social media and strive to create captivating social media posts for both ourselves and our clients. Social media can change the landscape of a company – bringing in a larger audience.

Even though social media marketing as a whole can be a tedious process, our Communications Manager and Engagement Specialist, Gracie Burgess, shared her process of creating a social media post from beginning to end.

In creating some social media posts for our Poor Bear Stories accounts, Gracie worked through some posts that she was creating as an example.

The team uses Canva to create most of their content because of the ease of use and the ability to create a vast array of content. Gracie shows how she looks for templates that are preloaded into Canva and created by other users, and how she selects the ones that are good for the company to use.

After Gracie finds a post that achieves the goal she is attempting to achieve, and then begins to adapt it to what she needs. Social media templates are helpful in the design process, but are never perfect for a brand – it always needs to be personalized to fit the specific target audience.

Finally, Gracie creates a captivating caption for the social media graphic. The graphic should catch the eye of the audience, but the copy should be what tells them the story. 

Gracie is currently a student at the University of Alabama enrolled in a Masters of Science in Marketing with a concentration in Digital and Social Media. She has shown how she can make an idea “sticky” by putting to use some of the skills she has learned. 

Watch the video below for a more detailed description of Gracie’s processes and contact Poor Bear Stories TODAY for all your social media needs.

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